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What We Do

At Digital Mavericks, we take a unique and personalized approach to marketing consulting. Our team offers a range of services, including customized audits and strategies, benchmarking, and digital marketing services. Whether you're starting from scratch or have an established brand, we can help you reach your marketing goals and take your business to the next level.


We audit all of your marketing and growth practices. Looking for red flags or uncovering opportunities, we provide a detailed report based on data so that you can gain a better understanding of your business, and your competitors. This establishes a solid foundation for future growth.​


The strategy we provide is a literal playbook for you and your team to reference going forward. Whether it be go-to-market, new product, quarterly, total business, or some other form of strategy, we develop a roadmap you can follow, that acts as a guide towards achieving your growth goals. 



After we deliver you an audit and/or strategy, we can then work with you every month to test this strategy against your ongoing efforts. Do the numbers make sense? Are your ads performing correctly? Are you accessing the right channels? Just a few of the questions we can answer during ongoing benchmarking.


Custom Dashboards

We go through all of your marketing and growth platforms and create custom dashboards for you, which we can use to track progress, setup specific goals, and develop custom KPIs so that you are never in the dark about your marketing or growth.  



Marketing Growth

Taking the audit, strategy and data we've gathered, we will then create customized campaigns across your various selected marketing channels. Paid ads, SEO, setting up your social channels, developing content, creating referral programs, if it's anything marketing related, we've got you covered from A to Z. 

*While we are open to doing just an audit for your business, we will only do a strategy build-out if we first do an audit as well. The audit process helps us build the correct strategy for your business, and therefore if you require a strategy, understand that the process involved with that will also include an audit as well. 


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